Our Deep-Sea fishing boat optimized for the fishing in High Sea.

The boat is equiped with :
- 2 downriggers (for deep fishing)
- 2 water jet systems
The fishing rods ::
- 15 Stand Up Pen fishing rods equiped with reels : Pen Inter 50 sw and Shimano Tiagra 50 sw.
- 3 Stick Pen Inter fishing rods equiped with Pen 950 ss reels.
- 80 lbs fishing rods equiped with Pen Inter and Tiagra sw reels.
The deceivers :
- Many deceivers of various shapes, colors and sizes are available on board, so that you can adapt your fishing depending on the situation...
The various fishing technics practiced on board ANNETT are :
- Draging (15 fishing rods)
- The broomé (80 lbs Pen Inter and Tiagra sw fisfing rods)
- Casting (stick fishing rods)
A fishing day !